When you have homes for rent in Charleston SC you could be dealing with many different property types from historic colonial homes to brand-new construction in the subdivisions and surrounding areas. However, no matter what kind of property you have invested in, you will need to ensure you have enough cash or credit to provide quick fixes for needed home repairs.
Big repairs such as leaking roofs, cracked foundations, mold outbreak, rotted floors, electrical issues or plumbing problems can really take a chunk out of your cash on hand and even displace tenants. When this happens, you might be responsible for paying for the tenant’s temporary living arrangements until the property is livable again.
Avoiding Displaced Tenants
If investors have multiple homes for rent in Charleston SC it could be possible to transfer the tenants to a vacant home, although this is not always ideal for the tenant. Most tenants would rather be put up in a hotel for a few weeks while waiting for repairs to be complete. However, there is one way that investors can ward off these big repairs from happening.
Annual home inspections.
When home inspections are completed by professionals you can get advance warning on needed repairs before they become emergencies that will cost all your profits. Completing maintenance such as roof or HVAC maintenance is a wonderful way to prolong the life of your homes for rent in Charleston SC and stay within budget for property upkeep.
The property managers should also ensure that maintenance requests are handled properly, and tenant inspections are being conducted to ensure that the home is being cared for in accordance with the lease terms. Property managers should conduct inspections every 6-months or during lease renewal time to check for lease violations, maintenance issues, and that the home is being kept in sanitary condition.
One of the top ways to avoid displaced tenants is to partner with a property management company in Charleston to handle maintenance and other property needs. If you are in the market for property manager services, call Scott Properties of Charleston at 843-212-9672.