Charleston Property Management in SC | The rent is late on one of your single-family properties. You’ve called, emailed, and even shown up and knocked on their door, but you haven’t heard from your tenants in weeks. When you go to tape the eviction notice to their door, it looks like most of the furniture is gone and no one has been home in a long time. You suspect the tenant skipped out on the rent and abandoned the house, but what can you do next?
Abandoned Property Laws in South Carolina
Code of Laws 27-40-730 in South Carolina outlines exactly how Charleston property management in SC can declare a home abandoned. If a tenant is missing or out of reach for more than fifteen days past the date of defaulting on the rent, the home can be considered abandoned. However, if the tenant skips out on the rent and has the utilities turned off, or reverted into the property manager name, the home can be considered abandoned from the date of the utility account change.
Once the property has been abandoned, the landlord can terminate the lease agreement and can lease the home to someone else. If the tenant left property behind and the items are valued at less than $500, Charleston property management in SC can dispose of the property without attempting contact with the tenant. If the personal property value is worth more than $500, the property manager or landlord needs to file an ejection application with the local court system and the judge must approve of the disposal.
If the tenant left a vehicle on the premise, the rules are a little different. A motor vehicle is considered abandoned when it has been left and unmoved on private or public property for a week or longer with consent from the property owner. Charleston property management in SC is not allowed to remove the vehicle on their own, however. An abandoned vehicle must be reported to the police in South Carolina who will arrange for the towing.
Contact Scott Properties | Charleston Property Management in SC
If you’re looking for a property manager in Charleston that can deal with even the most complex tenant issues, call Scott Properties at 843-790-4929.